Looking for Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is the medicine of “why”. It looks to discover the root...

Leaky Gut Introduction
Leaky Gut Syndrome OverviewThe Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs when you have increased permeability or inflammation of the mucosa or lining of the small intestine.
Leaky Gut Protocol
Leaky Gut ProtocolThe Leaky Gut Protocol provides nutrients to help decrease intestinal inflammation, support detoxification, heal the intestinal lining, and reestablish a healthy gut flora.
Elimination Diet
Modified Elimination DietElimination diet helps identify often subtle and gradual reactions to commonly reactive foods such as: gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, peanuts, sugar and food additives (e.g. MSG, aspartame, artificial flavorings, colors, etc.).
Leaky Gut Diet
Eat your fruits & vegetables“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”~ Hippocrates ~