We recommend -

These companies offer products we recommend:





Exposure to blue light from using your computer at night is the main cause of sleep problems, daytime fature, and eye strain. Spectra479 BioRhythm Safe Blue Light Blocker Glasses come in a variety of sytlish glasses and are the perfect solution for filtering out harmful blue light. 

Use discount code, CAREGROUP, at checkout and receive 15% discount.




Taspen's works with the medicinal properties of herbs, oils and flowers from superfruits and pure essential oils to create products that work to nourish and restore your skin and body. There is nothing artificial, nothing synthetic, no GMO’s, just wholesome natural ingredients you can trust!

When you use the logo link at left, a 20% discount is applied at checkout 



Blue Sky CBD

 At Blue Sky CBD, we know the highest-quality CBD starts from the seed. We partner with sustainable, responsible farms for superior hemp plants to extract our CBD and other healthful phytonutrients.